Friday, August 29, 2014

Self Help and Self Awareness for Abundant Living

Earlier, I wrote about abundant living and also self awareness practice. Today I am making an effort to understand  abundance experience and connect the same with self awareness practice. I am also exploring here how one can help himself/herself to achieve this. Self help is the personal responsibility of each individual to self awareness.
Though the law of nature is abundance many of us are brought up in a belief system of 'scarcity'. This is probably because there have been times of material scarcity in history due to various reasons. Experiencing material scarcity while growing up may cause an attitude of scarcity in the lives of people because that is the reality of everyday life they were experiencing. I am making an effort here to  explore the attitude of abundance versus scarcity. Now, it is important to understand how attitudes develop in humans. Attitudes are  learned from the conditioning experiences one goes through. They are not hardwired in the genes (for that matter today's understanding is that even the hardwire of the genes is not so hard! They might be altered over a few generations of interaction with environment!!) So a child brought up in times of material scarcity by parents who were poor in resources may have internalized a concept of scarcity internally as well as externally. Economists explain every situation of material scarcity using the demand Vs availability equilibrium.
The theory of hungers in TA ( explains the desire for recognitions that every human mind has. This hunger of the mind is as real as hunger for food that the physical body experiences. The child that is brought up with plenty of recognitions grows with plenty of self affirmations and an attitude of abundance internally. On the other hand when recognitions are scarce child learns to compete for available recognitions in order to survive! This is the cause of the power plays and negativity seeking that is rampant among humans. However as the child grows up s/he is free to acknowledge himself/herself or seek recognitions from wherever available. This requires awareness about one's internal experience whether it is one of scarcity or abundance. Once this awareness happens one can take proactive steps to change this by self recognition and seeking recognition in healthy ways. This is self help! This will lead to an experience of self affirmation and abundance attitude inside. Thus self awareness leads to self help in seeking what is required. When abundance come internally it will flow out externally also. The moment this change happens inside immediately competition dies out & s/he can experience sufficiency everywhere. It is possible to enhance and strengthen this experience through self awareness practices and mutual affirmation (stroking in TA language) practices. Research in neurology on mirror neurons explain the neurophysiology of this phenomenon ('s%20pdfs/9%202014%20Cook%20et%20al%20BBS.pdf).
Affirmations or appreciation for whatever s/he is  from the people around  strengthens experience of internal abundance. Self reflection using appropriate tools to understand ourselves better followed by affirming the positivity in the other human beings around us is the key to abundance in living. Even though it is all about self awareness and self help we need the people around to practice these.
At SHALOM we strive to practice this in the training groups! This leads to self helped experience of abundant living as persons and professionals! More on this later.

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