Friday, August 22, 2014

Abundant Living at SHALOM

"Abundant Living" is a phrase taken from the Bible (John 10:10). It is used here to explain the quality of spiritual life and how to achieve the same. It is basically about being truthful to oneself and life around which will reflect the abundance nature has provided.

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a practice of an edifying theory based on certain universal principles like the basic "okayness" of every human being and ability of a healthy brain to think, make or change decisions. These principles also reflect the abundance naturally available to humans! Stimulus hunger and stroke hunger derived from stimulus hunger is a central concept in TA theory. All life forms require some kind of stimulation to survive and life forms endowed with a nervous system even more so. When the nervous system is as highly evolved as in the case of humans there are various ways in which stimuli may be given and received that are also highly evolved. In nature, stimulations are many like the coming and going of light, a light breeze, a comfortable shift in temperature etc. They are abundantly present and when a person is open to feel and receive them he/she experiences the abundance in nature!

A simple touch, a loving gaze or a sincere act of appreciation for something done well are all common ways of positive stimulation among human beings. These are the building blocks of human relationships! To experience the abundance of human living it is essential to have plenty of such positive exchanges. However many of us seem to be at a loss to practice this positive exchanges. Human beings seem to be in competition for resources. Competition spoils relationships. As a result the free flow of positive stimulation among humans dwindles. Lack of positive exchanges results in  scarcity experience and more competition. This leads to seeking negatives which may be better than not having any stimulation. This gets cyclically reinforced through repeated behavior or habit formations. Gradually it becomes so hard for persons to see the good in others and support it. This comes to stay as a vicious cycle that perpetuates itself leading to 'scarcity 'experience as against the natural law of 'abundance'. Claude Steiner a pioneer TA  scientist and colleague of Eric Berne has elaborated this concept. Anyone who desires a deeper understanding on this may refer to his writings on 'power play in humans' (

Re-experiencing and regaining of abundance in life is possible!!

To re experience abundance, the vicious cycle needs to be broken. Old habits must be unlearned and new habit of finding the good in others and promoting it must be practiced. This can be learned through TA training. Self analysis and physical relaxation practices in the training enables one to rediscover the okayness in oneself and others. This in turn strengthens the self, and helps one to  realize one’s own power. The new learned habits become second nature. This leads to re experience of abundance in relationships. This is precisely what abundant living is about. At SHALOM the emphasis of training is centered on the theme of 'abundance'.

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